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Party Tent

BWVCT tent small adjThe BWVCT own a 8m x 4m party tent which is available for use on the village green, or in local private gardens/land.

To book the tent, you can ask Jeremy, Katie or Vicky for a form or download and print one from our website by clicking the link below.

We will then contact you to confirm it is available and to ask you for a £100 returnable damages deposit cheque (payable to BWVCT) and to invite you to write a second cheque as a gift to our charity.

The suggested donation for villagers is £50 per day and for non-villagers £75 per day.  If you are a UK tax payer and would like to, we would be very pleased if you could also complete and sign a Gift Aid declaration so we can recover a further 25p for each £1 you donate.

Wherever possible a trustee will be present to assist with putting the tent up and taking down again, however it remains your responsibility to put up, take down and report any damage to the tent.  At least 6 people are required to put up the tent.

  CLICK HERE to download a form to print and complete.

We will contact you within a few days to confirm availability and to discuss full details, including your damage deposit and donation.

If you prefer, you can email us via giving…

  • your name, address, and post code
  • Phone, mobile and email address
  • Address where tent is to be used if different from above
  • Date required for tent to be put up
  • Date for tent to be dismantled

Buckhorn Weston Village Community Trust