The Buckhorn Weston/Kington Magna Anaerobic Digester Update website can be found at where residents of the parish can register to get the latest news.
All posts by chris
Village Green Tidy Up, Sun 25th June
Please come and help us prepare our green for the summer, from chopping back brambles to a bit of carpentry. There’s lots of jobs so please get in touch and bring your own tools. All ages and abiliities welcome. All volunteers are invited to a free BBQ at 2pm.
Also come to see how to use our new defibrillator (AED).
Nick’s North-to-South…
Nick’s on the road to Fund-raising again
Last year Nick Brooke’s amazing 630-mile South West Coastal Path walk was a tremendous help in raising a sizeable chunk of the money required to buy the new mower.
Fortunately for us Nick is a glutton for physical hardship and punishment, so this year he’s come up with an equally madcap plan to walk from the northernmost point of the Pennine Way all the way South via Derbyshire, East Midlands, Oxfordshire and Salisbury Plain, eventually returning to a hot bath and stiff drink at home in Buckhorn Weston.
Each night there will be no comfy northern pub to stay in, only Nick’s trusty bivvy bag. Its a walk of around 550 miles which we call: Nicks North-to-South!
Please support Nick through our Justgiving page via this link
The Pennine Way is shown in blue, followed by his walk home in green.
Funds raised will be go towards an outdoor table tennis table on Buckhorn Weston Village Green for all ages to enjoy. In addition, Nick & the BWVCT have pledged to donate a proposed 10% of the total raised towards ‘Walk the Walk Worldwide‘ – uniting against breast cancer.
Please support Nick through our Justgiving page via this link