Dear Villager,

We would like to take this opportunity to bring you up to date on the Trust’s activities last year.

Firstly we have had a number of exciting events.  July 2014 saw some of the children of the village organise and take part in a sponsored run, raising money for a defibrillator.  Further investigations, however, have proved the placing of a defibrillator etc is not as easy as we originally thought and we only had 16 replies to the questionnaire, 8 were in favour, 5 were against and 3 were undecided.  We are still in consultation with this and are trying to ascertain the village’s wish with such a low response rate in mind.

September 2014 saw the Pirates Party in the Park, a fun event which included a fun dog show and January this year brought haggis and whisky at the Burn’s evening.  Lastly the end of May bank holiday we hosted a free Tug of War competition on the Green, something we would like to make an annual event.
Our main responsibility remains the Village Green, which unfortunately takes approximately £1700 per annum to insure and maintain.  We are therefore very grateful to many individuals and organisations that make donations to the Trust.  The Buckhorn Weston 100 club run by Eddie Casey raises a good chunk of the Trust’s money and even offers the opportunity of a £100 first prize for the Christmas draw – each “membership” costs just £10.00, and each person or family can have more than one membership.  For more information about the 100 club please contact Eddie on 01963 370078 or via our Contact Page.   In addition the trust owns an 8m x 3m party tent that can be borrowed by villagers for a suggested donation of £50.   Details on our Party Tent page.

The Trust maintains a positive and forward looking approach and believe that providing and maintaining this beautiful space is integral to the heart and atmosphere of Buckhorn Weston. We will continue to improve the Green where possible, this includes plans to install new steps to the top of the play mound that are more family (and grandparent) friendly.  However, we don’t want our fundraising to be a constant burden to the villager’s pockets, so we believe in providing fun and good community events.  So this leads us to a date for your diary…

the first ever ‘Buckfest‘ in the afternoon of Saturday 12th September.

This is already shaping up to be a great day with a number of young bands signed for the day.  We are proud to be able to provide a platform for new, young bands and solo artists from local schools or from the local vicinity to come and perform, and with a BBQ and a bar and hopefully a nice sunny afternoon what more could you want!

This leaves us to wish you a happy and healthy 2015 and we hope that the sun shines over the summer to enable you to enjoy the Village Green to its fullest.

The Trustees of Buckhorn Weston Village Community Trust.